Telraam allows users to define their street profile. This enables users to compare traffic counts with streets that have a similar profile. For example, the profile of the street where my colleague @ElkeFranchois lives, the Platte Lostraat in Leuven, looks like this:
It’s a fairly simple street, designed for local traffic. You can find more info about this specific street on the Telraam website.
What does your street profile look like?
Does your street have a similar profile? Do you see a link between your street profile and the mobility issues you experience? Do you think changes to the profile of your street could improve liveability? What changes would you like to see? Share a printscreen of your street profile in the replies below and let us know!
How can I complete my street profile?
That’s quite easy. Simply go to your Telraam dashboard, click on “Street Profile” and fill out the short survey. Done? Great, your street profile has now been added to your street’s public page!
How can I compare my street to streets with a similar profile?
That’s quite easy too! There is a specific Telraam tool for this purpose: the Ranking tool.
In fact the street is divided into three lanes - one each direction, plus a bus lane in East to West direction, but this isn’t a current option, so it isn’t quite as wide and generous as this
My streetprofile has a bike path and a pedestrian walk way on the side of the street where the camera is located, but the camera can not pick it up. should I adjust my streetprofile to what is actually seen in the Telraam camera?
The street profile won’t change how the Telraam device counts the traffic, but it does help the system to compare your street with other similar streets. If you want to update the profile, it will help you and maybe others who are analysing and comparing data.
“and it would not be practicable to ask each user to actually measure this distance between their unit and the middle of the street.”
This could be made into an option in the street profile… Like: ‘I did measure the horizontal distance to the middle of the road and the vertical height to the unit’ (Y/N)