Making your case for debate in the Senate - the story of Châteaubourg

I was very excited to read news that showed that Telraam data has been used to make a much stronger case for localised mobility & traffic planning in the Châteaubourg area of North West France in a question raised in the French Senate just last week.

As I understand it, the campaign objects to the building of a bypass (as we would call it) and has used a Telraam network to demonstrate that local traffic is indeed local, and not passing through the town, and so the damage caused by the road-building would not deliver the benefits being sought.

It is always exciting to see how different campaigns use their data, and how this strengthens all their other campaigning messages by having such a wealth of data.

You can read the report here of the question posed to the French Senate:

Hopefully our friends in Châteaubourg can keep us updated on their successes and maybe offer advice for others with similar campaigns