Setup ROI only partial view accessible

Hello everybody,

I wonder if the following is normal.
I setup my telraam flat on the window. This should normally give something like this:

But instead it gives me an angled view to the left:

It is using the provided support and that one is attached to the window with 3m double sided tape.

Hi @Rinusvuylsteke and thanks for posting

Yes, the device camera has a ‘bias’ to the left of the wider Field of View (FoV). There are various technical reasons for this I believe, but it is expected.

Within that view, as you can see on the ROI setting view, you have a number of options to choose from to select an appropriate frame for the best “region of interest”. Hopefully one of these will be suitable.

The camera does not need to see the full street segment, it just needs to have a selection that will show the street users as they move along the street, so this should not be an issue.

Does this help or is there a reason to see further to the right?

@Rob_Telraam that explains the choices i have. My best view is a bit more to the right. So i suppose the only way to achieve this is by offsetting the camera physically? You can clearly see this if you look at the overall picture.