Reliable measurement WITH and FOR citizens

Traffic counts are essential for a sound mobility policy. Counts that are multimodal, and thus track cars and heavy traffic as well as cyclists and pedestrians, are the base of any traffic engineering study. Classic traffic counts are limited today: both in time and in counting modes. In addition, they are often expensive and not very transparent.

New technologies provide innovative measurement methods. Telraam has developed high-tech and reliable measuring equipment that measures and analyses traffic in a finely-meshed, continuous, multimodal way and in conjunction with citizens. Telraam provides the right research question and the appropriate research technology, and the citizens count and think along with it.

For this purpose, we developed a Telraam trajectory that we offer to local authorities. The local authority chooses a programme of, for example, 8 months, then citizens can apply and start counting after screening and selection. Data analysis and support is provided during the process. Telraam takes care of everything and provides support from start to finish.