Privacy rules in France?

I the FAQ, it is clearly described why the Telraam is legal in Belgium, with references to Belgian law.
Has anyone performed this analysis in other countries, especially France?

I would expect the privacy rules to be similar in other EU countries, but it would be nice to have a local legal opinion.


Welcome to Telraam Talks Tor! :slight_smile:

There’s a small network in Chateaubourg, initatied by one or a few citizens. I don’t think they did any privacy assessment and don’t think there has been a formal data protection impact assessment (DPIA) in France.

I can share Telraam passed a thorough privacy screening for a project in Utrecht (NL) and Berlin (DE). Especially the German privacy laws are very strict and there was no problem for Telraam there. Privacy rules can differ by country, so I can’t say 100% sure it’s ok in France, but given Telraam “passed” formal screening in BE, NL & DE and don’t think there will be an issue in FR either…

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Thanks Kris,
It looks like we can go ahead in France, as a private individuals.
But before potentially setting up a network, we’d probably try to do some more verification.

If we get any updates, I’ll post them here.



Hello to all!
No problem with the RGPD, because no data allowing the identification of an individual is sent back, except for twisted and improbable cases (for example, a sensor overlooking a dead end with 1 or 2 neighbouring houses…)
The municipality of our city has even installed 2 sensors on public buildings!


Bienvenu chez Telraam Talks Olivier! :slight_smile:

Hi tor,

L’ADAV (Association Droit Au Vélo) deployed for the city of Lille (Rijsle) a network of twenty telraams. On their page they reports their privacy analysis. This is available in french here Un dispositif en conformité avec les règles de confidentialités - ADAV - Droit au vélo

Kind regards,


voici l’article sur Chateaubourg

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