As we mentioned in our blog post about updated identity in March, Telraam is committed to Open Source and the highest ethical approach to tools, data and relationships.
As such, we have ended our use of Mailchimp and Google Analytics and have started using Mailcoach and Plausible for the same functionalities.
With these alternative tools, we are more in line with the norms and values of our business: open source, more sustainable, less complex, more ethical and less energy-consuming.
We are extremely proud to point out that Plausible was a tip from a Telraam counter that pointed out the pitfalls of Google Analytics, so thanks again!
We will continue with this approach as we build and grow Telraam’s business, products, and, of course, the community.
What do you think? Do you agree with this approach? Do you have suggestions for other ways we could improve or adapt? If so, let us know in the comments here, or put forward a suggestion in the new #features category for everyone to discuss