Official launch of Telraam Talks - a great evening

I thought I would share some glimpses of the wonderful event that was held last night, so we could tell our partners and the press about Telraam Talks.

We gathered at the iconic De Hoorn building, once where Stella Artois was brewed, now home to some amazing bars, restaurants, work and entertainment spaces, where the Mobiel 21 and Telraam Teams came together to present and host a fun evening.

As the ‘official’ launch, we were joined by Georges Gilkinet, Deputy Prime Minister of Belgium but also Minister for Mobility, and members of the local press as well as some existing members of Telraam Talks.

After the speeches, there were plenty of questions about the new Telraam S2, about Telraam Talks and how we plan to grow this, and how Mobiel 21 is planning on building on this space for engaging new and existing citizen programmes.

I have to say I had a lovely chat with a number of you, including @ghislain.vanherle, @ruben_casteleyn and @kvancoppenolle (have I missed someone?) and I look forward to more events in future where members can get together to talk (and eat and drink) and not just type!

I’m not sure we can arrange some wonderful views in future, but it feels like a fun challenge for the next events. I’ll share a few more photos below, and if you have any feedback, or if you spot Telraam Talks in the news somewhere, please let us know!

Thanks again to @MertenDeKinderen @ElkeFranchois and @sanne.vanderstraeten for the event, and @kris.vanherle, @davedriesmans and @elke.verhoeven for the Telraam insights (and for translating for me)


A lovely evening indeed!

The new Telraam sensor and Telraam Talks were already featured by ROB, a regional news agency.

You can check out their piece on Telraam for free via Er komen nieuwe telramen om het verkeer te registreren: "Gebruiksvriendelijker en betere analyse" - ROB-tv (in Dutch).