Introductions and plans for 2023

I am SO excited to see so many new folks discovering Telraam Talks. The number of users grows daily.

If you have joined in the last week or so and I’ve not sent you a personal welcome, I’m sorry! (lots of exciting things happening here at Telraam) I will do so very soon.

What I always ask new users is to tell me something about themselves, and what brings them both to Telraam counting, and to Telraam Talks!? I would dearly love to know more about you, so I can also help to make this place as useful and welcoming as possible.

Why not reply to this topic with:
:wave: a brief introduction to yourself,
:globe_with_meridians: maybe where you live,
:red_car: :biking_woman: :walking_woman: what motivates you to want to count traffic,
:peace_symbol: :rainbow: and what you are most looking forward to in 2023.

And if you’ve been here for a while and want to take part as well, please feel free :hugs:


I suppose I can go first since you don’t know me either …

:wave: I’m working for Telraam but based in the UK, looking after international projects and customers, and helping to build the community as a place to bring all our many clients and users together from across the globe.

In my spare time away from counting cars and bikes and helping others to do the same, I enjoy my garden that I am reconfiguring, and my bonsai :evergreen_tree: experiments (I’m a beginner but enjoying the journey).

:globe_with_meridians: I live in South East London, in the UK and this is my current Telraam

:red_car: :biking_woman: :walking_woman: My family and I live on a major road (the South Circular) so we are very conscious of traffic issues. I also sit on the committee of our local civic society (the Forest Hill Society) and am trying to improve our transport connections and services.

:peace_symbol: :rainbow: I’m hoping for a 2023 that sees an end to the toxic political interactions we have seen in too many countries, and a renewed effort to collaborate to achieve real change in the way we live, we interact, and we take responsibility for the future in our cities. It does feel like there is a shift happening regarding the rights of non-car street users, whether walking or cycling, and therefore how we reshape our local communities.


I’ll join in :slight_smile:

En ik zal mezelf even in het Nederlands voorstellen, want alle talen zijn welkom op dit platform!

:wave: I werk als communicatiemedewerker bij Mobiel 21, een Vlaamse vzw die mensen in beweging zet door actieve en duurzame mobiliteit, in al haar vormen, te promoten. In mijn persoonlijk leven interesser ik me erg in ruimtelijke ordening, kamerplanten en internationale politiek.

:globe_with_meridians: Hoewel ik in Leuven werk, woon ik in de enige echte stad van Vlaanderen: Antwerpen :wink:

:red_car: :biking_woman: :walking_woman: Aangezien ik op de tiende verdieping van een groot apartementsgebouw woon, is het technisch niet mogelijk (of beter: praktisch vrij zinloos) om een Telraam-sensor achter mijn raam te hangen. Ik tel dus geen verkeer, maar wil graag op andere manieren meedenken en meewerken aan meer straten op mensenmaat.

:peace_symbol: :rainbow: Om bij het mobiliteitsthema te blijven: In 2023 hoop ik eindelijk meer duidelijkheid te krijgen over de timing van de grote werken die in mijn buurt gepland zijn (de fameuze Oosterweelverbinding…). Die werken zullen jarenlang een grote impact hebben op het verkeer en de leefbaarheid in mijn buurt.

Interested in discovering how my organisation, Mobiel 21, sets people in motion? Check out the one-shot video we recently produced to introduce ourselves!


My turn! :slight_smile:

:wave: Ik werk al 10-15j bij TML als transport beleidsonderzoeker en heb Telraam vanuit TML mee uit de grond gestampt. Telraam neemt nu ongeveer 110% van mijn tijd in en ik probeer met de rest van het team Telraam beter te maken (nieuwe sensor!) en meer mensen te bereiken

:globe_with_meridians: Limburger in Leuven!

:bike: Als onderzoeker weet ik maar al te goed wat de waarde is van goede (tel)data. Meer dan eens zat ik in een project waar data gewoon ontbrak om iets zinnig te kunnen concluderen. Tegelijk is het ook duidelijk dat de lokale bewoners, vanuit hun eigen ervaringen vaak goede oplossingen kunnen aanreiken, maar het ontbreekt vaak aan die objectieve basis om dat te onderbouwen. Dat motiveert me om met Telraam een oplossing te bieden

:peace_symbol: :rainbow: Ik kijk er heel hard naar uit om in 2023 (eindelijk!) de nieuwe Telraam sensor te kunnen introduceren en zo ook met Telraam meer mensen in het buitenland te kunnen helpen. De afgelopen 2j waren waren voor Telraam een ware rollercoaster. Dat ritje mag nog verder gaan in 2023 :slight_smile:


Hi everyone, hello world,
:wave: I am volounteering for the “Berlin zählt Mobilität” (Berlin counts mobility) citizen science project in Berlin, run by the German Cyclist’s Association (ADFC) and German Aerospace Center (DLR).

:globe_with_meridians: I’m based in Berlin, :eu: :de: Germany.

:red_car::biking_man::walking_man: I’m involved in various topics of mobility transition and would really like to advocate for superblocks/low-traffic neighbourhoods at scale in large European cities. So where better to start than on your own doorstep when testing a device, that could make your ideas empirically founded and not driven by mere enthusiasm?

:peace_symbol::rainbow: In 2023, I am hoping for discussion on (urban) land justice, energy transition and socioecological transformation. There is no reason to slow down steps, but to help others to jump on the bandwagon leading us away from ecological collapse.

:slightly_smiling_face: Paul


:wave: Hello I’m Thomas, joined Telraam, not for a science project or working @ Telraam :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:, but a concerned citizen and victim of RAT RUN.
I worked 7years as an Aircraft Engineer and 10 years as a Maintenance Control Coordinator / Technical Support Engineer in Aviation.
Last year started as a freelance Maintenance Engineer in the industry.
So collecting data is maybe “occupational deformity” :sweat_smile:

:globe_with_meridians: I live in Jabbeke :belgium:, near Bruges

:red_car: :bike: :man_walking: motivation, my local administration, as they ignore our problem now for 7years.
Adapted every street in the neighbourhood and creating an even bigger RAT RUN.
they counted traffic for 7 days during christmas holidays :man_facepalming: and not even be transparant with their collected data, telling us there is no problem

:peace_symbol: :rainbow: 2023: Same as Rob_Telraam mentioned, end to the toxic political interactions and responsibility for future cities.
As the local politicians aren’t obliged anymore to set up a mobilityplan every 5 years, it’s now a Regional mobilityplan (Bruges). A nice theoretically logical plan.
But practically, we still have the toxic political interactions, not understanding data, logic or anything with mobility.
For example, village next to us, research team concluded 5 streets required to have a “street cut” (knip), so traffic (only bikes) can’t pass, in their Mobility Strategy (some sort of circulation plan). The local politician was proud that he reduced the number from 5 to 1…


Welcome Thomas! Very interesting to hear your story. And I’m curious now to check out your data. :nerd_face: Feel free to share the link.
I know Bruges is tranforming little by little with a strong mobility team and plans. But I can imagine that neighbouring municipalities aren’t as progressive.

Lot’s of luck! Hopefully you can exchange and get inspired here.:bulb:

Hello Sanne

Not to go off-topic, I don’t know if there is actually space for sharing our experience or “venting our problems”, or follow other simular projects.

My available data, “Run Rat”- figures will be completely visable in April (I guess, S1)
Today, we had a meeting with our local administration… Zone 30 cannot be enforced and is not a solution for the online routeplanners. So they suggest to make it a residential area.
So hopefully after 3 political meetings we start to see some changes in the summer.



Hey Thomas,

Ik switch even naar NL voor de gemakkelijkheid. :slight_smile: Goed om te horen dat je al verschillende meetings met de lokale politici hebt gehad en dat er al een mogelijke oplossing uit de bus is gekomen.
Dit platform kan zeker een plaats zijn om je ervaringen te delen en gelijkaardige projecten te volgen.
Het kan daarbij ook interessant zijn om met je buren hier in groep argumentatie voor te bereiden, cijfers op te volgen tijdens een proefperiode etc. De kaartfunctie is daarvoor interessant, of een besloten chatgroep kan ook.

Twijfel niet om de Talks te gebruiken zoals het voor jou zinvol is, en vragen te stellen over jouw data maar ook over mobiliteit in het algemeen. Er zijn hier heel wat mobiliteitsexperten en ervaringsdeskundigen om te helpen!

Veel succes!

Groetjes :wave:


As a proud new owner of a Telraam device being new to this community I would like to say hallo to all of you!
:wave: As a future mobility researcher I am super curious about any early signs for fundamental change (towards what I believe is well understood to be needed).
:globe_with_meridians: I live in Stuttgart, Germany, which is eventually known as home of car brands like Daimler and Porsche.
:red_car: :biking_woman: :walking_woman: Living in a car-centric city while being the bike my favorite way to get around I am curious about the evolution of the modal split here. I do perceive more cycling but I want to verify that this is not just biased by my wishful thinking.
:peace_symbol: :rainbow: In 2023 I am looking forward to learn about Telraam, why the data seems strange to me so far, maybe what I can do about it and eventually get more active in local initiatives like the

Happy counting,


Hello @stephan.stabrey and thanks for introducing yourself. Lots of fascinating background information.

When you say you are a “future mobility researcher”, does that mean you will be a mobility researcher in future, or do you research ‘future mobility’? (I apologise in advance for the weaknesses of the English language)

Data on a general shift to active travel is an interesting subject as well. A single Telraam device can give only an indication for a street which can be affected by many variables, but it gets more interesting when there is a network that tells a story over a much wider area, so capturing a wider range of choices and journeys. Thank you for starting that process for Stuttgart (and Germany)!!

I have that issue with my own device as there is a genuine switch to cycling in London, but as I live on a major road with no bike lane, my data will not really show this (unfortunately )

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Hi @Rob_Telraam, as far as we can talk about “research” on things that do not (yet) exist I actually do research the future of mobility :wink: which includes also looking on trends (that do exist) and underlying driving forces.
Regarding single point vs. network let me clarify that there are already some more active Telraams in Stuttgart (I think currently about four to five incl. mine) and one of those guys told me about it. So, there is already a base for a slightly broader picture :clinking_glasses: and I will try to get in talks with the local Telraamers (or how you call those people who do it?).
There are also some official cycle counters here but to my knowledge the data is not (yet) openly accessible.
Plus: I am luckily living in a residential road with high share of cycling through traffic, so in contrast to your situation I think a general increase in cycling would show up in the long term data.

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Heroes :wink:

That’s what we call them

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