Hello and welcome to all new arrivals

I’ve recently invited a small number of users who are the most familiar with Telraam to join this community space to help us get the conversation started.

As you can see, there is still some work to do. We’re posting new content along with our partners in the Mobiel21 team (you can find them here), we’re also working on some new artwork for the site which will update the images and headers, and we are still looking to tweak the content.

As we change and try to improve things, we will definitely be hoping for your feedback.

Do, please, let us know what you think and make the most of the opportunities here to get to know other users and to tell us more about your story.

I’m personally keen to get to know you all better, and will be in touch to ask you some questions so that I can better support you and your campaigns (in fact I’ve already started sending these). I do hope you will find the questions, and the interviews I will publish, interesting :slight_smile:

If there’s anything you feel is missing and would help you, please let me know - either here, by personal message or even email.


Thought I’d bump this post as I see we have quiet a few new arrivals and I wanted to say Thank you (and Dank Je / Merci) for joining.

Do please post in the existing conversations, or start your own posts. Let us know what brings you here