What could cause a Telraam to only count at night?
We just rebooted the thing (power cycle). It looked like it was working, but has not reported at all in a while.
That is VERY odd … maybe something to do with the camera not getting enough light so it thinks it is night all the time …
I will pass this on internally and see what we can find out
- Is there a way to get a reboot count?
- To get the date/time of each new connection at the server, indicating a reboot?
- To enter a test mode, like CPU burn, to power everything on full to make sure the power supply is good?
- To get the date of the last good data transfer, on the web portal?
S/N 351901933334975
I tried test mode, but the screen changes from ROI 666 to 6 after about a minute, then goes to the QR code, before any of the reds turn to black:
Is there any way to keep it in debug mode?
To count crashes?
The device was heat damaged at some point, unclear when.
As a result the black plastic changed shape, so it no longer latches at all into the other half of the case.
Nothing unusual was done: it was just placed in a window that gets sun in the afternoons.
Hi Bryce, to wrap up this topic here, as mentioned in our email conversation via support@telraam.net, the warped casing is likely causing both the constant “night counts” and the connection issues. We encountered this deformed black casing issue a few times in the past, which led us to switch to a more heat-resistant material. We’ll be sending you a new device to replace this one.