Counting only at night?

What could cause a Telraam to only count at night?

We just rebooted the thing (power cycle). It looked like it was working, but has not reported at all in a while.

That is VERY odd … maybe something to do with the camera not getting enough light so it thinks it is night all the time …

I will pass this on internally and see what we can find out

  1. Is there a way to get a reboot count?
  2. To get the date/time of each new connection at the server, indicating a reboot?
  3. To enter a test mode, like CPU burn, to power everything on full to make sure the power supply is good?
  4. To get the date of the last good data transfer, on the web portal?

S/N 351901933334975

I tried test mode, but the screen changes from ROI 666 to 6 after about a minute, then goes to the QR code, before any of the reds turn to black:

Is there any way to keep it in debug mode?
To count crashes?

The device was heat damaged at some point, unclear when.
As a result the black plastic changed shape, so it no longer latches at all into the other half of the case.

Nothing unusual was done: it was just placed in a window that gets sun in the afternoons.

Hi Bryce, to wrap up this topic here, as mentioned in our email conversation via, the warped casing is likely causing both the constant “night counts” and the connection issues. We encountered this deformed black casing issue a few times in the past, which led us to switch to a more heat-resistant material. We’ll be sending you a new device to replace this one.