Contacting fellow Telraam owners

Hi there,
I am running my personal Telraam in our street.
Now a lot of other Telraam devices popped up in my city.
I would like to get in touch with their respective owners.
Unfortunately neither was I able to find a way to contact them through their data pages nor could I find information about contacting fellow Telraam owners directly in the Telraam support/help/faq pages.
Did I overlook something?
Is there a way to contact fellow Telraam owners directly at all?

Any hints much appreciated,

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For privacy reasons, and to avoid users receiving unwanted messages (i.e. spam), it is not possible to get contact details for other individual device owners.

However, you are right that we would like to have individual owners collaborate in a location, and to help make the most of the data and the connections.

In this case, I can say that there is a new Telraam network in place in Troisdorf, so the best thing would be to review their page here:

I don’t think they have made much information public yet, but this may be enough information for you to be able to reach out and make a connection locally? I can, with your permission, maybe share your contact details with them, and ask them to be in touch if they can?

Feel free to send me a DM here and I will see what I can do.

Hi Rob,

great, your help is very much appreciated. :+1:
I will contact you via DM with my personal info.


PS: Sorry for the late reply, I did not receive a notification about your reply.

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I would welcome “opt out” “spam” sent to me from neighboring telraam owners. Not a problem.

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