Campaigning for street change - a Lisbon story

Ever wondered how similar your story is to that of others around the world?

This article was published in Lisbon recently and I think it very clearly captures the motivations and experiences of someone who wants to change their street, and also how Telraam can be part of the process.

We have not supported Pedro directly (though if he wants to join us here, I’m sure we’d be very happy to!) but this story will be very familiar to anyone who has tried the same thing. It is not easy to change mobility plans for a town or city as a resident, but it is possible.

What is clear is that the data here communicates very clearly the scale of the issue in a way that simply writing to policy makers with a polite(!) request cannot.

Pedro’s journey is not over, and I do hope that his petition will raise not just the profile of his campaign, but the number of people involved who can help him, both at home and around the world.

Boa sorte, Pedro!