Hi Paul
First of all: Welcome to Telraam Talks! Secondly: Good question, I’m sure @Telraam can answer your question in more detail, but the post below might already give you an idea of potential inaccuracies in Telraam counts.
Cyclists, pedestrians, cargo bikes, groups of cyclists,… How does Telraam count them correctly?
The difference between cyclists and pedestrians is not always obvious either, especially if several pedestrians or cyclists are riding together. In such cases, Telraam classifies the vehicle type (cyclist/pedestrian/car/large vehicle) based on size and speed.
Cyclists pushing their bikes or pedestrians with strollers are then counted as cyclists.
Joggers, even if they are related to Usain Bolt, will be identified as pedestrians.
Groups of cyclists form a single large object and represent a specific situation that Telraam can hardly distinguish: they will then be counted as a car.
Similarly, some cargo bikes or bike and trailer combinations will be counted as cars too.