Telraam S2 - Weatherproofing - Case designs / Power Usage questions?

Hi @boxrick and thanks so much for joining Telraam Talks

To answer the first question, I’m not sure our particular design would be the easiest to take inspiration from as it is based on removing the screen and using the (same) PCB in a different way to fit the outdoor positioning. However, there are designs from people who have tried what you are doing and you can see some concepts here:

In answer to the power question, I will look into this, but the screen is not the major power user on the device. The two chips are running continuously, along with the camera, as it is monitoring 24 hours a day, so the power usage will be fairly consistent.

I’m not sure how much the screen itself uses, though it was designed to be low power, so maybe not creating a noticeable difference on your measurements?

Hope this helps - let us know ho you get on